- Intrigues, confrontations, conspiracies are inherent not only to the royal palaces. In places of deprivation of liberty serious passions flare up. in the mid-forties the criminal world of the Soviet Union is divided into two opposing camps. The so-called "thieves in law", accustomed to living by "concept…
- Though based on the movie, the series was not a continuation of the film, rather, the series was set up to portray itself as being the "real life" situations after which the film was based. In the pilot episode, Ferris (Schlatter) refers to the film and expresses his displeasure at Matthew Broderick portrayin…
- 这部纪录片展现了休斯顿流行巨星角色和个人生活之间的矛盾关系,提到了她对2.5亿美元巨款的挥霍。 影片还展现了惠特尼真实而可爱的一面:她喜欢恶作剧,有惊人的喜剧天赋,善于模仿他人,她的笑声富有感染力,让人很难不爱上她。 影片的上映遭到了惠特尼家人的抵制,他们还发呼吁人们不要观看这部电影。但布鲁姆菲尔德对此表示不解,他…