- 《富豪谷底求翻身》第一季节目中,白手起家的大亨葛伦史登斯要证实美国梦并非遥不可及。观众看到葛伦变成一无所有的人,没有头衔、没有财富、没有人脉,丢包在一个他从未去过的城市,口袋裡只有100美元,然后试图在90天内打造出一家价值百万美元的公司。受到葛伦大胆尝试的启发,三位企业家也想接受这个大挑战。 这季将有三位成功的企业家赌上1…
- “We do know that our job is not ‘normal’, as much as the one of those working in the so-called acrobatic construction. But this does not mean that those who do sex work should be stigmatized and not considered serious enough. It’s just a …
- TRANS LOS ANGELES is an anthology of four stand-alone short films and their unifying theme is that they all feature a Trans character in the lead and they all take place in a different part of Los Angeles. These stories are character-driven/slices of life and they demonstrate the rich diversity within the trans communi…