搜索 Dontcheva

  • 剧情片生活
  • When Sasha's mother arrives on her doorstep without warning the young musician is unable to hide her trepidation. As she tries to prepare for the most important concert of her career, the reasons for her mother's visit come to light and Sasha must find a way to survive the remaining 24 hours, confronting both the volat…
  • 警方逮捕毒販出了差錯,使得探長畢安可不幸身亡。奧特吉接收他的五人小組,但組員無法接受他一板一眼的工作方式。辦案過程中,奧特吉發現販毒集團與黑手黨有關係,且組員當中有內賊。
  • 以壯麗的白朗峰為背景,一個可怕的家族秘密被揭曉,貝特杭桑提尼的屍體被冰封了15年,而調查這件命案的年輕警探卻一直待在國外。