- 追溯可口可乐和百事可乐之间的长期激烈的竞争,近百年来,可口可乐一直是全球价值数十亿美元的碳酸饮料行业无可争议的领军人物,而百事可乐紧随其后,永远拿着尖端的广告来挖苦它的老大哥...
- In a most restrained way, [A Stranger Knocks] tells a story of a young and pretty woman who lives alone in a house by a lake in the country. One day a strange man comes by and, seeing the lonely situation, invites himself in out of the rain. The woman is quietly hospitable and allows him to remain overnight. He stays o…
- 追溯可口可乐和百事可乐之间的长期激烈的竞争,近百年来,可口可乐一直是全球价值数十亿美元的碳酸饮料行业无可争议的领军人物,而百事可乐紧随其后,永远拿着尖端的广告来挖苦它的老大哥...