- 主要情节来自真实事件,影片从1994年的一所医院里两名受伤青年的回忆始,两人从小就是好朋友,一个是塞尔维亚人,另一个是穆斯林。1992年南斯拉夫发生种族冲突,使得两人的友谊受到严峻考验。塞尔维亚巡逻兵和一名美国记者被一群穆斯林民兵困在一个连接贝尔格莱德的隧道里昔日的朋友如今因为属于不同的种族而成为死敌,他们一困就是好多天,缺水…
- who are enrolled in one of the terrorist groups that the killings, believing they are fighting for the sake of God, and when his brother tries to join this group refuses, he is trying to stop him, but he joins, and one day arise a dispute between and one of the members of this community, get killed, go mad who seeks re…
- This black comedy is the latest from Goran Markovic, a life-long resident of Belgrade whose last film Tito and Me (1992) was the last film ever made in Yugoslavia. This black comedy masks tragic undertones as it tells the tale of the head of a Belgrade mental asylum known only as the Doctor as he tries to return his lo…
- 如果不错的话,这部影片和Dusan Makavejev的《WR:有机体的秘密》(1971)、Jovan Jovanovic的《像玫瑰一样年轻》(1971)一起是70年代前南电影黑浪潮中三部最反叛的作品。。。居然都来自1971年!~~~The two Marxes, Karl and Groucho, are the main sources of inspiration for this film, wher…