搜索 Dshalilov

  • 1920年,俄国无产阶级在国内革命战争中已取得决定性胜利,苏维埃政权在全国基本上建立起来了。而布哈拉酋长国(今乌兹别克斯坦境内)还在实行着落后的封建制度,酋长勾结英、美反动势力,企图阻止红军进入,维持反动统治。红军著名统帅伏龙芝率部向布哈拉酋长国进军,在塔什干剧院 ,伏龙芝和古比雪夫召开党员大会,英国间谍被特务企图暗杀伏龙…
  • Dogmatic criticism has condemned brilliant and gifted pictures of the most diverse genre. Let us recall the debate over the unusual adaptation of "Navoi" at the end of the 1930's and the critical articles in the press directed toward the creators of the interesting films about modern times and about the dista…