- The film is inspired by the true-to-life story of the discovery of the long-lost “Opus 28” manuscript from Norwegian composer Johan Halvorsen, originally performed in 1909 by Canadian violinist Kathleen Parlow, to whom the piece was dedica…
- 经过生死考验的新免武藏(三船敏郎 饰)在僧人泽庵(尾上九郎又兵卫 饰)的举荐下侍奉大名,并更名宫本武藏。为了磨练意志和武艺,他离开等待自己的阿通(八千草薰 饰),四处云游挑战强者。 一路上打败诸多高手的武藏挑战吉冈拳法道场,适逢馆主清十郎(平田昭彦 饰)外出,内中徒众一一落败,武藏留下挑战书扬长而去。然吉冈徒众怀恨在心,几…
- 宿命的相逢之后,佐佐木小次郎(鶴田浩二 饰)苦练技艺,一心打败宫本武藏(三船敏郎 饰)。这之后,小次郎来至江户谋求官职,期间与同在江户的武藏邂逅,两人约定东门决斗。然决斗前夜,武藏致信请求将决斗延期一年。次日武藏和城太郎(樱井将纪 饰)、熊五郎(田中春男 饰)旅行来至乡下,师徒三人一面锄地耕作,一面教习农民武艺,抵抗土匪。…
- The story revolves around Ethan, 17, who joins a stable as an apprentice jockey. In this world ruled by betting and money, places are expensive. After difficult beginnings, the teenager wins his first race. With his winnings, he hopes to put his father to safety but soon discovers the shortcomings of the equestrian wor…