搜索 Ecker

  • 父亲意外死亡后,丹尼尔·里姆斯代尔离开了医学院,回到奇佩瓦山谷,试图挽救陷入困境的家庭木材生意,并挽救他的家庭免于经济损失。然而,他遇到了他父亲的一位老朋友塞拉斯林奇的强烈抵抗,他将不顾一切地保护里斯代尔官邸,并传言里斯代尔官邸内藏有宝藏。
  • 这部记录片描记了原始星球大战三部曲的从头制作。我们从中可以了解乔治·卢卡斯的星球大战之梦已经后续拍摄的星球大战(1977)、星球大战5之帝国反击战(1980)以及星球大战6:绝地大反攻(1983),视觉特效、财政问题、拍摄、编辑、音效、以及上吨的电影胶片,幕后制作人员,演员都将展现给大家。
  • This rock-driven description of life shows how providence can play a huge factor in the lives of both lovers and friends. Two best friends and band mates, Mark Walker and Jake Peterson, are currently fumbling through their respective romances and are attempting to cope with their insufficiencies through each other and …
  • Steve Williams, from "The Busboys" fame, leaves his singing career behind to become a fully fledged proffesional actor in Hollywood. A documentarian decides to film his rise. Things go pear shaped when on the second day Steve is 'let go' by his manager. Plagued by characters on the way that set out to sabbota…
  • 剧情片剧情
  • 约瑟夫是一个普通的农夫,他和妻子莫妮卡过着平静的生活。某一个早晨,莫妮卡突然变成了一只母鹿。约瑟夫掩盖着这个秘密,然后向家庭医生求援。。。但是,莫妮卡似乎很喜欢母鹿的生活方式。。。
  • Dr. Alexanderson finds an unconscious young man by the doorstep of his cabin. He will try to piece together the mans broken memory without knowing the dangers his family and friends will be exposed to in this psychological revenge thriller.
  • Russia 1943, the German army is still deep in Russian territrory. The former Berliner worker Kurt Hartung, now a private in the wehrmacht (German army) , just survived a Russian dive bomber attack. despite is comanding officer's order, to disarm a dud. As it turned out, almost a suicide mission. Shortly after this inci…
  • 《养蜂人家》/《海岸线》导演卢比·鲁涅兹新作。克鲁兹·蒙托亚(库诺·贝克 饰)是一名正沿着美国西海岸巡回演出的摇滚明星,同时也是一个诗人。当圣迭戈和西雅图的成群观众前来观看他的表演时,家里打来一通电话告知克鲁兹他的父亲西涅亚(卢宾·布雷兹 饰)被确诊为癌症晚期。西涅亚是一个深居简出的退休教师,在新墨西哥州的山村里过着平静…