- An Inuit educator navigates the stunning landscapes of Greenland as he seeks to help people in their struggles with mental health. Once greatly troubled himself – haunted by a friend’s death and his own brushes with violence – Nuka has turned his life around. He journeys through the remote indigenous settlements of Gre…
- 山本阳介(市原隼人 饰)是一个平凡的高中生,一天深夜,他偶然目睹了一名美丽少女正在和一个手持电锯的狂徒展开激烈的斗争,尽管少女准确无误地攻击到了电锯狂徒的心脏,但狂徒依然逃走了。少女飒爽的英姿吸引了阳介的注意,他瞬间坠入了情网,决定要成为少女的保护者。 少女名叫雪崎绘理(关惠美 饰),然而,就连她自己也不知道自己为何要同…