- 二战期间,臭名昭著的纳粹女指挥官伊莎在盟军即将打来之前,以女人做实验,残酷迫害无辜少女,而男人是供她玩乐的工具,直到沃尔夫的到来,改变了着一切,凭出色的床上功夫征服了伊莎,最后将这只母狼绑在床沿,发动了一场革命,使里面的犯人拿起武器和纳粹禽兽战斗······
- The Adventures of lchabod and Mr.Toad (伊老师与小蟾蜍大历险)【片长时间】约68分钟【作品类别】迪士尼第11部经典动画,中篇合辑剧情动画片【段落名称】本片共包括两个中篇段落︰1. 小蟾蜍﹙Mr. Toad﹚,又名“The Wind in the Willows”2.瞌睡谷传奇﹙The Legend of Sleepy Hollow﹚【原著取材】“小蟾蜍”改编…
- Channel 4: A quarter of a million pounds, 22 identical sealed boxes, and no questions, except one: Deal or No Deal?22 people, 22 sealed boxes, just one question: Deal or No Deal?The Deal or No Deal competition is now closed. We've decided that, along with all Channel 4 shows, we're going to give the viewers' competitio…