- 羞耻西班牙版第三季将以Nora为主角,我们将会陪伴Nora经历从亢奋、眩晕再到坠落的情感过山车,第三季既描绘了Nora和朋友们在高中最后一年的成长经历和家庭生活,也从女性主义的角度给这个故事编织了一个新的答案。除此之外,这个故事也将首次尝试从Viri的角度讲述她的故事、家庭和生活。
- SKAM ESPAÑA is a portrait of the generation of boys and girls born since the year 2000. Their doubts, their problems, their feelings, what they think, what they want and, above all, what they don't say and what they are ashamed of. The ser…
- SKAM ESPAÑA is a portrait of the generation of boys and girls born since the year 2000. Their doubts, their problems, their feelings, what they think, what they want and, above all, what they don't say and what they are ashamed of. The ser…
- 该系列电影三部曲在推出 10 年后迎来续作,这部瑞典语翻拍版将故事背景设定在斯德哥尔摩。故事主角是年轻的单身母亲莱亚,她试图在创业的舞台上取得成功。在这个浮躁的环境中,人们对地位和金钱的渴望比以往更强烈,莱亚下定决心无论如何都要取得成功。富豪和犯罪的世界比以往任何时候都要残酷、混乱和无情。当这两个世界发生碰撞时,忠诚、友谊…
- 与挪威原作《SKAM》一样,第一季是以Eva Vázquez Villanueva为主角来展开的,故事发生在秋天,描述Eva和Jorga之间充满混乱与谎言的爱情,以及与Nora(Noora)、Cris(Chris)、Viri(Vlide)、Amira(Sana)五个女孩之间的友情。