- Young, trans Michael returns to his family home in the rural American West. His father takes him on a sultry exploit, striving to connect.
- 弗莱事件是指2017年,不少人慕名飞到巴哈马海岛,参加众多名人站台、号称超豪华音乐节的Fyre Festival,但宣传是水清沙白、泳装美女遍地、美食音乐齐飞的大狂欢,现实是野地帐篷、啥也没有、跟泥相伴。此事在社交网络引发巨大讨论,其背后的组织工作也被各种揭秘。
- On November 25th, 1915, Einstein published his greatest work: general relativity. The theory transformed our understanding of nature's laws and the entire history of the cosmos, reaching back to the origin of time itself. Now, in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Einstein's achievement, NOVA tells the inside stor…
- 该剧由Chris Kelly和Sarah Schneider创作、撰写并制片,Lorne Michaels参与制片。故事描述一个29岁的年轻演员(Drew Tarver)对自己的前途感到十分郁闷——他有出色的演技,本该前途无量,可为什么他只能报名试镜《在聚会上闻臭屁的男人》(Man At Party Who Smells Fart)这种龌龊的三流片子呢?他的姐姐Brooke(Heléne Y…
- On April 18, 1955, the pathologist performing the autopsy on Albert Einstein covertly steals the genius’s brain, hoping to uncover the secret of brilliance. His good intentions and scientific ambitions collide with harsh realities as his w…