- 工藤新一(小栗旬)这晚收到挑战书,称将有他的同学在修学旅行的船上被绑架,若新一不能保护好同学,须让出“高中生名侦探”的称号。新一本对修学旅行没兴趣,这封信令他次日赶到学校与小兰(黒川智花)、园子(岩佐真悠子)及班里另外约30名同学会合。众人刚登上旅行用船,新一即把目光投向代理班主任北岛慎吾(ふかわりょう)、导游西田麻衣(…
- Major Ronan Jackson , an accomplished fighter pilot for the Israel Defense Forces and son of a U.S. Senator , is shot down while flying through Syrian airspace. After miraculously surviving the crash, Jackson is taken captive by a group of Hezbollah militiamen. A gripping and powerful story packed with hard-hitting act…
- 工藤新一是全国著名的高中生侦探,在一次追查黑衣人犯罪团伙时不幸被团伙成员发现,击晕后喂了神奇的药水,工藤新一变回了小孩!新一找到了经常帮助他的阿笠博士,博士为他度身打造不少间谍武器。为了防止犯罪团伙对他进行报复,新一决定隐姓埋名,暗中追查他们,希望能得到解药。一日,新一 的女友毛利兰来到了阿笠博士的家寻找男友的下落,被…
- An island paradise, big business, complex characters, love and betrayal set the scene for this romantic adventure film. A rich American woman travels to the Cook Islands for business with her new husband and finds herself stranded on a deserted island with a man who has a secret past and no time for her. With drama, ac…
- In present day Jerusalem, a city increasingly dominated by religious fanaticism, Naomi, a secular young woman seeks refuge from the pressure of her life as a concert pianist. Overwhelmed by the expectations of her parents and her colleagues in Tel Aviv, Naomi seeks anonymity and solitude in the ancient city. Despite he…