- 最深度致敬·EVA·CG作品 | 导演完全版《EVA超·现实》作品由C4D和OCTANE最终组装渲染完成,其中使用了SP,HOUDINI等软件辅助。導演|脚本 :孫世晟@SOMEI烧麦晟主創:孫世晟 張磊 曾瀟霖【MoGroup】初號機模型 :黃吉鵬發射場模型:王辰祠材質繪製:張磊人類角色製作:曾偉翔 孫世晟莉莉絲|三號使徒製作:王懿之角色綁定:康丹丹特效解算:水生…
- Recently released home movies shot by the controversial Edward VIII reveal the untold story of his extravagant safaris with the real life cast of "Out of Africa" in the late 1920s, complete with adultery, champagne and specially built airstrips. At the height of the Great White Hunter era, Edward turned his b…