搜索 Eloglu

  • 当父亲Ismail开着他引以为豪的梅赛德斯车载着女儿Hatice出去,每次在等待红灯时,爸爸总会问到她的年龄,从10岁到21再到34岁,由一个天真的小女孩变成恨嫁的剩女,全家人都是很忧愁。除了碎碎念的父亲,还有暴躁的母亲。同时这个独特的土耳其家庭一直保持着古老的土耳其传统:姐姐未嫁,妹妹是不允许结婚的。可是妹妹Fatma马上就能看出来怀孕了…
  • Early evening - a big city. Two teenagers shyly flirt with each other, a housewife sits down to watch her daily soap, nurses in a hospital gossip before the nightshift starts, a trendy couple drives through rush hour, so excited they can hardly wait to get home - a man with a rifle enters a building seeking revenge. In…