- Interestingly, in 1995, two 10 hour mini series about the history of Rock & Roll aired on television. One was this (produced by Time-Warner), and the other was PBS' "Rock & Roll". It is important to know that this is not the documentary that was aired on PBS. This is a lighter take on the history of rock & ro…
- 从9·11开始,Chris Cunningham 把自己绑到轮椅上,开拍这部video的第一个镜头,到去年发行DVD,整整4年,可怜的Chris就一直在跟着取自Aphex Twin 《Drukqs》专辑里的一曲“AFX237 V7”,一帧一帧地在死做。先前就很推崇Chris Cunningham的video,无论是同Aphex Twin、Squarepusher、Portishead、Bjork还是…
- 公元141年,罗马达契亚省出现了一场无法控制的传染病,四名罗马探险家,由经验丰富的百夫长马库斯率领,去帝国边界外执行一项特别任务——向尚未被征服的自由达契亚人寻找解救传染病的方法