搜索 Elya

  • A Russian engineer Petr Garin possesses a unique beam-shooting weapon that can destroy any target. His goal is to achieve world domination with the help of this weapon. Vasily Shelga is out to stop him and also to prevent others getting possession of this weapon.
  • Tatyana, came from Germany in order to celebrate New Year in the company of her beloved Nikolai. Unfortunately his mother got sick and the romantic night was canceled. What should she do now? Driving yellow "Pobeda", Tatyana goes to visit her father in the village that carries the comforting name Last Hope. R…
  • 故事发生在第二次世界大战期间的阿拉伯,一位名叫 Neera 的女孩因为战事与父亲失散,一个人被遗留在荒漠之中,还好她遇到了一匹黑马救了她的性命,这匹不受羁绊的黑马奔驰如风,被沙漠的旅人传说“生于沙尘、孕于夜空、饮风止渴”,宛如沙漠中的天神一般。小女孩 Neera 与黑马一见如故,成了最好的朋友,她将黑马取名为 Shetan ,与他开始浪…
  • Upset over his brother's murder, Soviet special agent Gregori Wallace leaves Russia to start a new life in the United States. Now happily married to a beautiful woman and the father of a little girl, Gregori soon realizes that he can't outrun the past.
  • This story takes place in Dry Valley, a village owned by the noble family of Khrushevs. We see it with the eyes of Natalia, young and naive girl who serves in their country house. We share her love, dedication to her masters, mystical experience, exile, betrayal and faith, which come one after another, while the Dry Va…
  • 施工队的17名队员在队长波塔鲍夫的带领下,全体拒绝领奖金。他们声称只有在党委会上才能说明理由。在会议上,波塔鲍夫认为他们领取的奖金不合算。实际上工人们对工地的现状是极有意见的。总经理起初用调和的语气安抚工人表示同情,后来便诉起苦来。本片首次大胆地抨击了70年代苏联企业生产中存在的弊病,通过101建筑托拉斯某项工程中极其混乱的…
  • 1999年第二次车臣战争,小男孩哈吉亲眼见证了自己的父母在村中被俄军杀死,他逃出来加入了流亡的队伍,遇到来自欧盟的工作人员卡罗尔,男孩逐渐恢复了正常生活,而男孩的姐姐瑞萨同时也一直坚持不懈地在各种流亡队伍中寻找他。最后哈吉的命运如何?他和姐姐重逢了吗?年轻人科亚被抓入警局,征召入伍,成为俄军中的一份子。在与车臣的战争中,他…
  • 动作片
  • 骑士谷下雪了,这是一个骑士精神永远不死的魔法世界。年轻的皇后用魔法手套制造雪花,让整个王国能过白色圣诞节。唯一一个对此感到不满的,就是皇后那天生阴险邪恶的舅舅Snerk。这时,一个崇拜邪恶势力的女孩Muld找到了魔法盔甲的其中三个部件,让他发现这东西原来有魔力!他终于能够控制骑士谷了!但是这魔法盔甲还缺最后一个部件,也就是皇后…