搜索 Enriquez

  • 一个邪恶的气象人员,故意制造了一连串气象异常引起的灾难,企图藉以毁灭大都会,我们美国的正义特遣队能拯救世界力挽狂澜吗?他们当然办得到,因为当我们最喜爱的漫画人物如闪电侠、绿巨人、原子能超人和火人出动时,只怕任谁也伤害不了大都会,这部电影绝对深受孩子和有童心的大人喜爱。
  • The Archimedes Principle of buoyancy states that a body submerged in fluid is acted upon by a force equal to that of the displaced fluid. It is this law of displacement and macrocosmic neutralization that seemingly governs the life of a rising, junior executive named Sonia as well who, unable to find a babysitter one e…
  • "Mansacue" es una producción chilena inspirada en la serie "La vida es una lotería". La película, filmada en un pequeno pueblo situado en la línea fronteriza con Bolivia, cuenta tres historias que suceden en tiempos pa…
  • PSIFF's Cine Latino program was especially inviting this year. I wish I could have taken much more advantage of their fare, but, am grateful for what I got to see.From Mexico, I was eagerly anticipating Juan Carlos Rulfo's In the Pit (En el Hoyo, 2005), which came highly recommended to me by Sergio de la Mora, who grac…
  • A eccentric cop (Goldblum) who solves crimes by talking to dead victims is forced to go see a psychiatrist (Stowe).
  • "Punto y raya" is the story of a young Colombian recruit who, while patrolling his country's border, is befriended by a Venezuelan adversary, and the tragic consequences of their relationship.
  • 极速前进菲律宾版第一季
    《极速前进菲律宾版》(英语:The Amazing Race Philippines)是一个以美国真人秀节目《极速前进》为蓝本的菲律宾版本。已有2季 ,本节目由澳洲制作公司ActiveTV制作,在菲律宾TV5频道播出。节目内容11队由两位本身有关系的菲律宾人所组成的 参赛队伍,游 历菲律宾境内,并完成不同任务之淘汰赛,以争夺最终冠军之奖金200万菲律宾比索。(第…
  • 剧情片
    All Filipino erotica movies from the past to the present have almost always taken their story premise and plot from 'Scorpio Nights', Peque Gallaga's masterpiece of poverty, love, and unquenchable libido.The movie tells the sexual adventures of Danny (Daniel Fernando), a youth who cannot seem to control his urges. Dann…
  • 动作片冒险
    性格腼腆的 13 岁男孩亚历克斯(埃文·惠滕)从堪萨斯城飞到墨西哥,第一次与他的大家庭成员见面。在那里,他遇到了身为前自由摔跤冠军的祖父查瓦(德米安·比齐尔饰)、精力充沛且痴迷摔跤的表弟米莫(尼科拉斯·贝尔杜戈饰),以及大胆时髦的表姐卢娜(阿什莉·恰拉)。但就在亚历克斯开始融入所处的环境时,他在爷爷的小屋里发现了一个神秘的…