搜索 Enver

  • A rich playboy has a large house in the countryside. One weekend he invites a fashion model. On his way to the house, he drives past a gang of crazy young men. They find out where he lives, enter the house and kill him. Eventually the model arrives...
  • 爱情片惊悚
  • The G3 summit rules in favor of the power of rock in the electrifying Live In Denver! Join six-string legends Joe Satriani and Steve Vai with special guest Yngwie J. Malmsteen for a guitar odyssey you'll never forget.
  • 该片讲述了二战期间,一支阿尔巴尼亚游击队攀险峰、越峭壁、跋山涉水,克服重重困难,将德军机械化部队全部歼灭的故事。消灭法西斯!自由属于人民!
  • 海伦(德菲因·塞里格 Delphine Seyrig 饰)在不久之前失去了自己的丈夫,成为了一名寡妇。之后,她和初恋情人阿尔方斯(Jean-Pierre Kérien 饰)重逢了。心灵上的痛苦和身体上的寂寞让海伦和阿尔方斯很快就走到了一起,他们以为能够在彼此的身上找到旧日的自己,但精神上的压力和挥之不去的现实很快就让他们知道,激情和欢愉只能带给他们短暂…
  • 根据黑山著名作家Rexhep Qosja描写艺术家之死的小说《眼睛中的死亡》改编,导演是其兄弟Isa Qosja,同时他也是科索沃电影人的杰出代表。此片拍摄于1985年,讲述一个阿尔巴尼亚裔科索沃作家如何在南斯拉夫的极权压迫下倍受身心折磨但最终奋起抵抗极权的故事,卡夫卡式的黑暗主题。影片曾入围普拉南斯拉夫电影节,但很快就被官方抵制,连同原著一…
  • When Mark commits to falling back in love with Jonah, he is forced to look at himself with unprecedented courage and honesty.
  • Temmuz is an openly gay sculptor living at a flat with his dog in Istanbul. He lives a bohemian lifestyle and has a happy go lucky, carefree, eccentric (such as believing in good luck charms) character, frequently distracting him from his work as a children's book illustrator, and eventually leading him to be abandoned…
    In the SOOP SVT ver. or In the SOOP SEVENTEEN ver. is a reality show by SEVENTEEN. (“soop” means “forest” in Korean) So the show takes place in the forest. The concept is to spend time doing activities that are "somewhere between eve…