搜索 Epper

  • based in the 1970s Britain, "Octavia" charts the schemes of the title character to steal her friend's man.
  • The cult indie horror anthology returns with a tour de force of indie horror shorts from the underground in 60 Seconds to Die part 2! Modern day grindhouse, in the style of the most shocking and gritty movies of the 70's, will grind you up and spit you out.
  • 《伊丽莎白》是以巴伐利亚公主、奥地利皇后与匈牙利王后伊丽莎白·亚美莉·欧根妮(Elisabeth Amalie Eugenie)的一生为素材所创作的德语音乐剧。这部音乐剧讲述了奥地利与匈牙利王后伊丽莎白(茜茜公主)的故事,从她1854年的订婚和结婚开始,直至她在1898年被刺杀为止。通过对她对死亡越来越迷恋的刻画,反映出她的婚姻和她的帝国走向衰亡的过…
  • Ondine is a gay man attempting to re-adjust his sexuality via various encounters with different women. After trying his luck with three women, Ondine becomes a background character in a sequence in which a group of Latin American men, calling themselves The Bananas, engage in a food fight. Ondine then engages in a wres…
  • 宁静的原始森林,透着一种让人窒息的杀气,平静中步步杀机……森林像巨大的坟墓,等待着送死的人群……几个护林员和学者组成探险队进行在茂密的森林里,他们的目的是为了探寻神秘动物骨头的来源……他们误闯了怪兽的禁地,发现大批尸骨,这时危险接踵而至,有队员洗澡时被袭击惨死,营救人员也受到怪兽袭击受伤。在惊恐中探险队想逃离森林,但高…
  • 聚焦好莱坞的动作片背后那些女性特技动作演员、动作指导们,从默片时期到如今那充满挑战、激情和伤痛、危险的人生,打斗、摔跤、被车撞、火烧……
  • 科幻片奇幻
    影片主要讲述在喧哗闪烁的兰桂坊一隅,一名妙龄少女正被两名大汉追打,在少女终于体力不支昏厥过去时,神秘帅气的Bartender救起了这位少女。少女在装潢别具品味,名为「Bar.tender」的酒吧中醒来,嘴角挂着微笑的Bartender正在吧枱前优雅的调著酒,少女走到吧台坐下。这时酒吧里走进了第一位客人……   Bartender拿出几杯颜色各异、被施…
  • 欧美剧惊悚
    本剧根据Tony Hillerman的“Leaphorn & Chee”系列小说改编,拥有一个全美国原住民阵容的编剧室。Graham Roland(《杰克·莱恩》)打造,Vince Calandra(《利器》)担任剧集运作人,Chris Eyre(《烟火讯号》)为试播集导演,三位将联同George R.R. Martin、Robert Redford、主演Zahn McClarnon一起执行…
  • 欧美剧
    With a powerful alliance with Spain and an heir sleeping in his crib, what could go wrong for glamorous royal couple Catherine and Henry?
  • Domates Biber Depresyon
    Tomatoes, peppers, and all the other plants in Adana’s Çetirevli village survive on medications, just like the diagnosed depression patients who make up half of the village population. As the production of pepper paste—the village’s source…