- A behind the scenes look at how short films are produced by the internet sensations from Rocketjump. Shows various aspects of the filming process as well as a new short with each episode.
- Video games beware, Angry Joe is coming to give you a full and just Angry Review. He looks at new games for the new consoles and see how well they hold up, with help from The Angry Joe Army.
- 《沈春华Life Show》是台湾中天综合一档以主持人沈春华名字命名的访谈类生活秀节目,制作方希望开创一个与众不同的TALK SHOW(脱口秀)节目—在这里每个人都是主持人,每个人都可以充分的表达个人的意见。2011年11月27日停播
- Red was King George the Third's most favorite and powerful color: red for anger, red for love and red for madness. Is the madness floating over the court of King George the Third the same insanity guiding a country with the highest amount of TV channels in the world? Is broadcasting and communication in the 21st centur…
- The ballerina Sylvie Guillem was always out on a limb, even when she was the classical star at the Royal Ballet in the '90s and early '00s. She was French, she was tall, she was unbelievably flexible, she was staggeringly charismatic, and she had no fear of setting her terms and saying “non” if they didn’t suit.She’s a…
- When Shawn Wyatt (Jonathan Andre) inheirits a 1966 Mustang from his uncle, things go crazy when he finds a crazy amount of diamonds stashed in the engine. He and his close friend Rob (Le"Dre Turner) end up on a wild ride after a local hustler spills info about the diamonds to the local hoods. Unknowing that the or…
- In a major new BBC commission, acclaimed poet Simon Armitage has written seven new poems about World War I that form the centre of his latest television documentary.Armitage visits French beaches, German prison camps, so-called 'thankful' villages and remote corners of the Scottish Highlands as he considers the death o…