搜索 Estevez

  • While on a camping trip, a young girl is captured and almost raped by four drug runners. She escapes, and instead of running away, determines to get her revenge on her attackers.
  • A girl is killed and raped minutes after fighting with her boyfriend (Jeff) and he left her. Jeff is the assistant of professor Caldwell at the university, and he wanted to return with his old girlfriend (Lisa). The girl lived with another five girls, including Lisa. All these girls begin to be...
  • In a futuristic society, a sword-wielding roller skater fights evil ninjas, punk roller skaters and is sent on an important rescue mission
  • This psychological drama is set in the lonely desert flats of rural Nevada, and centers on the quiet torment of a young man who thinks about leaving his contemptuous, cheating wife and moving to Reno before he goes over the edge completely. ~ Sandra Brennan, All Movie GuideThe hero is a laconic loser, a man who stops c…
  • 4个年轻人半途上让一个陌生人上车,当他们听到小镇上一个机修工被谋杀的消息后,离奇又恐怖的事件开始接二连三的发生,他们似乎进入了一个扭曲的世界,他们拼命寻找各种办法来逃脱这个梦境.IMDB评分 9.0/10 (6 votes)
  • Only a Serial Killer Can Reach 11.
  • Muriel and her mother leave their home for good and a freak occurrence leaves them stranded in the country. They beg a woman to let them stay and a shaky friendship develops between the two families.
  • A serial killer is stalking the city of San Francisco and sending a news reporter cryptic letters after each murder. As the body count rises, two SFPD detectives, the reporter and a psychologist-priest relentlessly pursue the madman, determined to put an end to his bloody carnage. But as the killer gets closer and clos…
  • 这部迎合美国知识份子口味的影片一上市,即蠃得了美国公众的一致好评。导演本人亦藉此一举成名.该片讲述由斯坦顿饰演的洛杉矶青年奥图,他在失去工作之后,协助一个思想极为顽固的老头卖旧汽车,从而引发一连串情节离奇的事件。此片以其新颖独特的手法生动勾画出洛杉矶不同类型文化的人物形象,节奏明快,影像鲜明,深具时代艺术电影色彩。