- On August 15, 2021, Kabul is captured by the Taliban, and journalists of Etilaat Roz, a daily newspaper of Afghanistan are faced with choices. Should they escape, or should they accuse the Taliban of its atrocities? In the end, the head of the newspaper decides to cover the protests against the Taliban, but faces a sev…
- 《The TaeTiSeo》是一档由少女时代小分队TTS的金泰妍、黄美英与徐贤出演的真人秀节目。介绍倍受少女们喜爱的TaeTiSeo的吃、穿、玩等所有一切,公开20多岁女生可爱又时尚的日常生活。节目中播出TaeTiSeo会做什么、三人在一起时又会谈论些什么话题、会去什么地方等内容。 是sone最值得收藏的节目之一。