- 某日,拥有“魔王因子”的魔王候补·春日新,无意中触碰到TRINITY SEVEN之一·浅见莉莉斯的魔道书《赫耳墨斯外典》,在那瞬间被耀眼的光包围,眼前出现了一名神秘少女。\r\n 被命名为“莉莉姆”,将新和莉莉丝当成双亲来尊敬的少女。但,在少女出现的同时,世界发生了异变——\r\n 觉醒的禁忌之“悠久图书馆”。 炼金术的究极产物——经由…
- Its protagonist is Jane (Jacobs), who finds herself tumbling through a gauntlet of surreal, beautiful and heartbreaking adventures. After dropping off her daughter at a summer camp for the first time, and encouraging her reticent child to engage in new eperiences, Jane finds herself heeding her own advice.