- Lovely Glasnot era piece, broadcast in the UK in the Soviet Spring Season from way back. There may be a better rip out there, perhaps the presence of this one will wake people up to what a good film it is and we’ll see the better version.Just when you thought glasnost had allowed Soviet film-makers to say all there was…
- In order to allow another servant to go home to be with her children, Nastya agrees to serve in her place, as a maid in the household in which Nastya's grandfather is a porter. Soon afterwards, the woman who owns the house goes on a trip, leaving her son Pavel at home. Pavel is engaged to Ellen, but Ellen flirts openly…
- 战争前夕,德国研制出喷气战斗机. 苏联情报员-代号为“3月“是德国空军试飞部队的精英之一,他的主要任务是收集喷气战斗机-262的相关资料...德国纳粹为防止信息泄漏,对柏林附近一个专门试飞基地周边的通讯,进行了严密的监控,并小有收获.1943 年7月,“3月“身份暴露,为阻止战斗机me-262过早的投入使用,以生命为代价,驾机升空撞向正在试飞…