- The title refers to the well-known line delivered by Monica Vitti in Michelangelo Antonioni’s Red Desert and the film is loosely based on the great actress who passed away in early February, though it’s not at all a biopic. It’s the story …
- The protagonist is Stefan Lysenko, who started strong in his 20 year acting career but eventually fizzled out, turning into a B movie actor. Frustrated, he turns to making his own shoestring-budget movies, which have led only to debt. Long a fan of John Cassavetes and now living in the apartment where John shot a cruci…
- 影片讲述了一个欢乐又温暖的故事。为了完成爷爷安德烈的遗愿,嘻哈搭档蜜熊维沃(林-曼努尔·米兰达 配音)与酷女孩加比(伊奈拉利·西莫 配音)化身“爱的信使”踏上了一段奇妙冒险旅途。然而,一路上囧况不断,欢乐与惊险并存,他们能完成任务吗?
- 11岁的小男孩托比是一个狂热的小发明家。一天,他遇见了正在寻找父母的机器人罗比,原来罗比一家的飞船遭遇了事故,罗比不幸和家人失散了,于是托比决心施以援手,两人成为了好朋友。为了方便搜寻,他们发明了一个既能航行,又能浮在水上,还能在路上行驶的飞行器——奇幻冒险者。然而心怀不轨的约书亚连同他的伙计紧随其后,想利用罗比和奇幻冒…
- 乌龙院里,小文(郝邵文饰)等师徒五人经历了保卫易筋经之战后,终日习武度日,过着与世无争怡然自得的生活。小文在母亲生日时与师兄(吴孟达饰)下山探望母亲,不料却被母亲赶走,伤心的小文终日流泪,师父(李...