搜索 Farias

  • 塞巴斯蒂安是个活泼可爱、热爱海洋的孩子,却因脑瘤早早离开了世界。他的母亲露在痛失爱子后参加心里治疗小组,朋友、家人也尽力帮她走出阴影,不过这伤痛似乎永远无法治愈。露想要找到继续生活的动力,于是来到海边,坐上船去看鲸鱼,这是儿子的梦想,而她的梦想——带儿子去看鲸鱼却永远无法实现。导演简介: 曾在墨西哥城学习电影和作曲,并…
  • 卡洛斯·绍拉作品。绍拉被公认为是最有西班牙特色的导演,对复兴西班牙电影起到很大作用。影片最大特色是充满异域风情的音乐与舞蹈。
  • 03:34: Earthquake in Chile (Spanish: 03:34: Terremoto en Chile) is a Chilean film directed by Juan Pablo Ternicier, and written by Mateo Iribarren, which will narrate three different stories, based on the 8.8 Richter magnitude earthquake, and subsequent tsunami that hit Chile in 2010.The movie shows three stories of pe…
  • For forty years, the public functionary and family man Lineu and his beloved wife Nenê celebrate their first date going to the same ball where Lineu borrowed the jacket his competitor Carlinhos. In the present days, Lineu feels uncomfortab…
  • Jessica, Sabrina and Daiane have dreams, just like all young people of any social class or place in the world. They live in a low-income neighbourhood in the periphery of Rio de Janeiro and find in prostitution a way to survive and satisfy their consumer desires. However, even faced with the trials of absolute uncertai…
  • RobertoCarloseoDiamanteCor-de-Rosa
    A statuette bought in an antique shop in Tokyo may lead to the discovery of a great treasure
  • 《Cinco vezes Favela》是巴西新电影时期最重要的一部集锦片,正如《海底的珍珠》于捷克新浪潮,或《联华交响曲》于三十年代的上海影坛一样。由五位新浪潮导演各自执导一部讲述发生在里约贫民区的短篇故事,其中既有成年人的彷徨,也有孩子们的清新,摄影和镜头语言沿袭前辈纳尔逊-佩雷拉-多斯桑托斯在《里约40度》里的新写实主义风格,音乐上采…
  • In a small town in Chile, women and young children have been mysteriously vanishing. Suspicion falls on the local mayor, Dupui, and a shadowy figure called Dr. Werner. Dupui keeps tight control over the town through a gang called the Yellow Jackets, hand-picked by Dupui and under his control through the use of a drug w…
  • Eduardo患有一种神秘疾病,这可能与在累西腓,这个热带城市随处可见的螃蟹有关系。