搜索 Farzin

  • 清晨时份,天还未亮透,清理垃圾的青年在垃圾堆中发现一个秘密:那些没有寄出的书信草稿,原来来自一个男友刚刚自杀的女子。她写信申请出埠,探望远方的哥哥,藉以离开这片伤心地,奈何苦苦守候,沓无音讯。一切都给垃圾青年看在眼里。从未爱恋过的他,偏偏写起情诗来,篇篇却能触动寂寞芳心…… 导演首出长片绽放神采,诗意的雪景,幽幽的配乐…
  • 地球诗篇
    Terrestrial Verses follows everyday people from all walks of life as they navigate the cultural, religious, and institutional constraints imposed on them by various social authorities, from school teachers to bureaucrats. These stirring vignettes, humorous and affecting, capture the spirit and determination of people a…