- Leo (Peter Lanzani) is the wrong man in the wrong place at the wrong time. After taping a murder and keeping the evidence he runs away to stay alive and, in order to survive, he has to cover up himself. Under a new identity he will become an orthodox Hasidic Jew. A french ruthless killer, Duges (Gerard Depardieu) and h…
- 1934: On a train to Stockholm, where he will shortly receive the Nobel Prize for Literature, Luigi Pirandello relives his fascination with the figures in his life who also inspired his art. Eterno Visionario concentrates on one phase of Pirandello’s career in order to show the playwright’s more intimate side, trapped b…
- Two sisters. They ride horses, they wear black dominos, they carry bullwhips. Their father was el Zorro
- 在这个美国 - 意大利联合制作卡特,一位艺术保管员,前往意大利阿布鲁佐山区。他受委托在塞伦特山山坡上的塞尼纳罗小镇的一座教堂修复壁画。当他到达偏远的小镇时,卡特发现当地人很奇怪,他们似乎正在向他隐瞒什么。随着他的工作进展,他开始发现一个神秘的东西 - 可能与附近的湖泊有关。传说湖泊是由陨石造成的,造成湖泊的影响可能与罗马皇帝…