- A disturbed loner teen has to be sent to a halfway house for disturbed teens after a young child whom he was supposed to be watching dies after playing hide and seek by hiding inside a refrigerator.
- Soon after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Lena, from the former East Germany, plans a trip to Hollywood. She has planned her itinerary to the minute, but when her bag is switched at the airport and she looses the name of her hotel, all her plans are thrown into chaos, and she finds herself in the middle of a typical Holl…
- 青年军官博尔曼出生在平凡的家庭之中,却对金钱有着无法遏制的渴望,整天就盘算着怎么一夜暴富。博尔曼喜欢看人打牌,享受赌局里那种千钧一发的紧张气氛。一次偶然中,他听闻伯爵夫人有一个秘诀,可以猜中三张能够赢钱的牌,为了获得这个秘诀,博尔曼假装追求伯爵夫人的养女丽扎维塔。伯爵夫人是一个脾气古怪的女人,待人非常的苛刻,丽扎维塔在…