搜索 Flanders

  • <p>  希拉莉(瑞切尔•格里菲斯 饰)与积琪琳(艾米丽•沃森 饰)是一对感情深厚的姐妹。姐姐希拉莉很有吹长笛的天分,积琪琳看着姐姐拿到了许多荣耀也不甘落后,经过艰苦练习后,积琪琳的大提琴也有了很大的进步。在一次比赛中,两人分别获得了第一,但希拉莉开始嫉妒妹妹,纵使两人的感情没有受到影响,可是希拉莉的音乐之路开始触礁…
  • 战争片生活
    故事发生在风景如画的弗朗德勒,蒂斯特曼(塞缪尔·鲍伊丁 Samuel Boidin 饰)在此地经营着一间农场,过着形单影只的孤单生活。闲暇时,蒂斯特曼会找到名叫芭比(阿德莱德·勒胡 Adélaïde Leroux 饰)的女子,两人来一场激情四射的约会。芭比是当地有名的妓女,亦是男人们心目中的大众情人,然而,蒂斯特曼是发自内心的爱着芭比,只是他选择将…
  • 欧美剧剧情
    本剧根据Philipp Meyer的书改编,由Meyer、Lee Shipman和Brian McGreevy执笔编剧,通过一个德州家族几代人的传奇兴衰的血泪史展现了美国成为一个超级大国的诞生过程。\r\n  Pierce Brosnan饰演Eli,是McCullough家族如神一般存在的元老。他小的时候曾被绑架,在印第安人的科曼奇族部落被抚养长大,因此他也把科曼奇族 残暴的世界观用在了他的…
  •   一位私人侦探必须查出杀害她叔叔的凶手,同时保守她是狼人后代的秘密……
  • 爱情片爱情
    赋佳(古巨基 饰)得知身在异国的好友谭强(聂远 饰)身患绝症而去,临终前寄给他一盘录像带,托赋佳在一月之内说服女友雪薇(张韶涵 饰)忘掉他,开始新的生活。赋佳感觉手捧一个烫手的山芋,但好朋友出国前他答应替其做护花使者,怎么能推辞呢,更何况谭强已经去世。他绞尽脑汁终于在网上选中富二代David(仼泉 饰),他是女孩子心中的情圣,…
  • Released in France as La Kermesse Heroique, Carnival in Flanders is set during the long-ago war between the Dutch and Spanish. A tiny village in Flanders is invaded by Spanish troops. The townsfolk have heard of Spanish cruelties in other towns, and decide to deflect the vanquishers by playing dead. This isn't terribly…
  • Because she was raped a few years earlier, a young nurse flips out when she finds out that her boyfriend has cheated on her. She loses her relationship, home and job and uses her body to take revenge on men. But only one way her nightmare will end.
  • Stephanie Flanders, former BBC economics editor, has a very personal interest in the battle to beat polio. Her father, Michael Flanders, one half of the world-famous singing duo of the 50s and 60s, Flanders and Swann, was paralysed by the infection when he was 21. He used a wheelchair for the rest of his life, and died…
  • Propelled by Elizabeth Streb's edict that "anything too safe is not action," the STREB company challenges the assumptions of art, injury, gender, aging, and human possibility. Revealing the passions behind the STREB dancers' bruises and broken noses, BORN TO FLY: Elizabeth Streb vs. Gravity inspires audiences…
  • Journalism Major Paxton Andrews loses the man she loves in the Vietnam War. Always having followed the beat of a different drum, she decides to work out her grief by going to Vietnam and writing a column that will hopefully help those at home better understand the War. While she's there her life is changed profoundly, …