大型激情舞剧《燃烧地板》,其创意源自八年前艾尔顿·约翰( Elton John )的50岁生日宴席。席间,这位巨星级的寿星为来宾准备了一台国际舞和拉丁舞表演,令在场的六百宾客为之倾倒。正是这场表演使宾客之一的澳大利亚制作人麦德卡夫萌生了亲自监制《燃烧地板》的念头,最终创作出了这台融合了多种舞蹈精髓和高科技制作手段的激情舞蹈,舞蹈一经…
An unknown terrorist has developed a new type of bomb that will destroy clothing, but leave people unharmed. Agent Maxwell Smart (this time without 99 or Hymie) is taken out of retirement and sent back into the field to track down who this madman is and put a stop to his plans.