搜索 François

  • Montreal, October 1970. Twelve-year-old Manon's family is on the verge of collapse; she and her little brother Mimi are about to be placed in Foster Care. Manon is incensed. Inspired by the current political crisis, she comes up with a plan and takes an old woman hostage to demand the right to choose her own future. Wi…
  • В бурлящую политическими событиями Россию конца 80-х приезжает известный киноклассик из Франции, чтобы устроит кастинг среди русских девушек для участия в эротическом фильм…
  • Single mom Julie Stevens' life is turned upside-down when international con man Martin moves to her neighborhood. As Julie begins to open up to Martin's charms|another woman - Sloane - is determined to kill Martin for having left her and robbed her blind. Will Julie survive Martin's affections and Sloane's revenge?
  • 阿曼达正在旅游胜地戛纳的阳光下享受退休后的悠闲生活。突然有坏消息传来,一个有黑手党背景的房地产商人扎帕提杂气势汹汹地打算在这片乐土上投资开发,建造新大厦。听到消息的阿曼达非常愤怒,他将自己的头发染黑,皱纹拉平,戴上改变眼睛颜色的隐形眼镜,变身小伙子,化名“吹口哨的人”,决心和扎帕提及其同伙卡米拉来个你死我活。曾经的警察…
  • 两个警察从小在一起长大,是莫逆之交,但是在解决新近发生的爆炸案中,他们逐渐产生了分歧……
  • 离了婚又无权见孩子的艾尔莎没独自一人生活。她靠当巴士清洁工和保姆勉强维持生计,一直找不到固定的工作。终于,艾尔莎由于付不起房租被赶了出来。她想起了曾经的邻居马休。住在同一幢公寓楼时,马休很关心艾尔莎,他先被赶了出去,如今在森林里露营度日。没有工作的艾尔莎来到森林寻找马休,两人在那里开始了远离世人的生活……
  • 让哈维·德·莱斯特拉德曾执导多部犯罪题材纪录片,包括2001年赢得奥斯卡的《周日早晨谋杀案》。本片是他首度用剧情片方式展现犯罪心理。28岁的主人公刚刚出狱,他人生一半时间都在那里度过。回到家乡后他遇上了艾米丽并为她着迷,直到有一天他走上前去说“嗨,是我”,却引发了艾米丽的惊声尖叫。两人的过去有着怎样的联系?
  • 剧情片
    Nikolaï was abandoned at birth and has been in foster care ever since. Although a family would like to give the sixteen-year-old boy a home, he decides to make one himself. He meets Camille, an intriguing fifteen-year-old wiseacre, and tri…
  • 弗朗索瓦·特吕弗:人生如戏
    At the end of his life, gravely ill, François Truffaut took refuge with his ex-wife Madeleine Morgenstern. She tried to keep him occupied during his long agony. The filmmaker confided in his friend Claude de Givray, with the intention of w…