搜索 Friels

  • 剧情片剧情
    菜埔(庄益增 饰)是一家雕塑厂的夜间保安,家中有一位重病的老母亲需要照顾。肚财(陈竹昇 饰)是菜埔唯一的朋友,菜埔经常在值夜班的时候把肚财叫过来和他作伴。一天,两人突发奇想决定看一看菜埔的老板黄启文(戴立忍 饰)的行车记录仪里记录了哪些影像,希望向来风流的老板能够贡献出一些精彩的片段以解两个独身男人内心里的寂寞之苦。  …
  • Malcolm is a chronically shy mechanical genius who has just been fired for building his own tram. He gets Frank, who has just been released from jail, moves in to help pay the bills. Malcolm, with Franks help, turns to a life of crime.
  • 丹尼尔(Tom Long 饰)是一位世界级的著名舞者,无论是他极强的专业技能还是优美又健硕的完美体型,都是粉丝们津津乐道的所在。一次意外中,丹尼尔遭到了绑架,三个蒙面的女子囚禁了丹尼尔整整12天,但也正是在这12天内,丹尼尔领略了女人们带给她的痛苦又刺激的极致体验,体会了灵与肉空前绝后的释放和高潮。重获自由后的丹尼尔没有和任何人提…
  • New South Wales detective sergeant Bob 'Snake' Inkster almost immediately suspects highly respected ethnic Croation businessman Andrew Kalajzich of the murder of his wife, shot in bed with him while he just rolled out of bed unharmed. Professional criminal George Cannellis makes a deal to prove his admission to have be…