- An italian version of the acclaimed and mingtian6.com innovative Norwegian youth series Skam, which follows a group of teenagers in their everyday life of school, love and leisure time.
- skam挪威版每一季都是imdb 8分以上的作品,自开播以来就在全世界范围内吸粉无数,很多欧美国家也相继翻拍,而意大利版中的男女主角更是让不少观众“磕破了头”该剧是一群高中生的生活群像,讲述了青春期的少男少女们在日常生活、休闲时光中所发生的故事与烦恼,每一季侧重的主角也有所不同。而第一季主要讲述的是Eva爱上并“抢”走好朋友的男朋…
- Three college girls out of a group on a tour decide against advice to detour for a weekend at a relative's posh villa. While on their private beach they are accosted by three young men. Since two of them Pier Luigi (Cantafora) and Bruno (Prete) are good-looking the girls unwisely invite them to stay for the weekend. It…