  • 誰是尚杜謝?惜字如金的影評人、不授課的老師和沒有孩子的父親—影迷這樣形容他。但其實誰會不認識這位足跡遍及全法,最受歡迎的映後談講者兼《電影筆記》 資深影評人呢?法國新浪潮評論達人、希治閣專家、奧 桑恩師⋯⋯可以為了一個吻參演電影,相信友情,不相信愛情。三名電影發燒友追隨他走訪故友門生,暢談光影哲學,回溯當年評論奧遜威爾斯…
  • 經歷喪子之痛的警探Michèle Varin本已習慣了獨處、獨自療傷,樹林裡吊著無人認領的女屍,觸動了她心內某處的傷痛:失去了兒子的母親,當然有想過了結生命。懸案未破,Michèle又遭受另一打擊,親和的年輕幹探拍檔突然吞槍自殺,精神本已脆弱的Michèle還能夠撐下去嗎?導演Guillaume Nicloux是法式警探類型片專家,在本片的最大創新莫過於將喜…
  • 新泽西州那里的茂密的松树森林深处传说居住着神秘的人兽,经过时间的变迁,传说越来越恐怖,一个印地安孩子已经使它转换进一个一半的男人,一半的畜牲人新境界,究竟真相是如何的呢?它到底又是什么呢?
  • Witches decked out in vinyl outfits trafficking illegal organic substances, a rich gay heir bored to death, a possessive mother who just happens to also be a devilish smuggler, a marriage contract cluttered with surrealistic clauses... "Frogz" reexamines fairy tales and the myth of Prince Charming. Guillaume …
  • Sophie (Eugénie Beaudry) is a young woman living in an unidentified Canadian city. She works in an office and also has to take care of her diabetic father (Serge Houde). After a night in a bar, Sophie meets Jérôme (Guillaume Beauregard), a…
  • Three friends meet one summer at a skydiving center. Adventurous, they spend most of their time jumping for thrills as well as jumping to escape what haunts them. Rafael, 20, dreams of becoming a pilot; Manu, 19, must care for her mother who suffers from cancer and Charles, 30, owns the skydiving center. In his way, he…
  • A film by Guillaume Dero。大友良英与New Jazz Ensemble 現場與及個人turntable solo噪音表演與吉他獨奏。中间穿插大友良英的访谈。Music(s) [A film by Guillaume Dero] (total time 49:42)1.Orange Was the Color of Her Dress--Tails Out (Charles Mingus--Otomo Yoshihide…
  • Un père arrive chez son fils après des années de conflit et l’interrompt en plein déménagement. Vincent, le fils, réagit violemment à cette intrusion. Fragilisé, le père annonce malgré lui la véritable raison de sa visite, ce qui raviv…