搜索 Gagnier

  • 扎克是个发明家,他正全神贯注于对新的骑车动力电池的发明。儿子乔自小也对发明感兴趣,但他对父亲的工作知之甚少,知道有人绑架他,并威胁扎克在出售发明专利的合同上签字的时候,乔才逐渐了解事情的真相。原来,一个国际石油卡特尔组织对扎克的发明十分恐惧,他们决定买下他的专利,并让此专利永不见天日。他们绑架了乔,和乔在一起的还有他的…
  • Mario Bellini's (Adrien Brody) life as an undertaker may not be filled with romance, but his funeral parlor certainly sees some action: Business is booming because of a local mob war. While wise guys are being bumped off left and right, Mario is asked by crime boss Alberto (Burt Young) to hide his hit man brother Rocco…