- 讲述了为了演员梦想而努力的女艺人夏林(王双 饰),在一次晚宴中意外与港东首富凌异洲(徐开骋 饰)发生“夏林勾引凌异洲”绯闻,为了保住自己热爱的事业,夏林想要联合凌异洲一同澄清,凌异洲告诉夏林,让负面舆论停止的方法,就是把话题引导到正面角度,两人可 以签订协议假装订婚,直到负面舆论停息。夏林考虑很久后同意,于是两人开启了扮…
- Four teenagers go looking for a legendary haunted house that gives you money back for every floor you can complete. Once finding it, they realize the house is much more terrifying than a normal Halloween attraction - the house knows each of their secrets and one by one uses them against the teens.