搜索 Garrigan

  • Once America's Jewel, Sewer City sits on the edge of her toilet seat, as all citizens tremble in fear of the Sewer City Killer. This foul, possibly eternal serial killer, has taken a liking to coming up through the sewer pipes, and murdering people as the sit on the toilet. The Citizens are fed up, and Mayor Fred Tickl…
  • 欧美剧剧情
    ITV根据英国小说家Jake Arnott的同名小说He Kills Coppers改编的罪案剧集。故事源自英国恶名昭彰的凶犯Harry Roberts的真实事件,当人们忘乎所以地庆祝着世界杯的胜利的时候,被沸腾的喜悦湮灭的是黑暗与罪恶,三名伦敦警察在光天化日之下被谋杀 ,而与之相关的三个男人的命运也彻底被改变。\r\n  Frank Taylor (Rafe S…