- In 1984, a scrappy little neighborhood in San Francisco - home to many low-income tenants and the heart of the gay male leather scene - faced destruction from the bulldozers of redevelopment and the AIDS crisis. The Folsom Street Fair was started to call attention to gentrification and raise money for AIDS charities. F…
- 巴顿庄园迎来了圣诞节,Alison和Mike第一次在这里接待后者的家人,Mike决定力求完美。然而他想要让自己父母宾至如归的计划,有点过于乐观了。Alison也决定为活人和鬼魂送上有史以来最棒的圣诞节,尽管鬼魂们不太有节日的喜悦之情。庄园里新来的一个人迫使Julian面对自己过去的错误。随着深入自己生前的记忆,他有所发现,并且觉得这可以帮助鬼魂…
- Excited about entering a life-changing reality show competition, Amy relies on new age religion, vision boards, chakras - and her new life coach, Liz, to help her gain the edge over 7 other gorgeous and talented young women. If Amy wins, she receives $1 million and an open door to her entertainment career. Unknown to A…
- 巴顿庄园迎来了圣诞节,Alison和Mike第一次在这里接待后者的家人,Mike决定力求完美。然而他想要让自己父母宾至如归的计划,有点过于乐观了。Alison也决定为活人和鬼魂送上有史以来最棒的圣诞节,尽管鬼魂们不太有节日的喜悦之情。庄园里新来的一个人迫使Julian面对自己过去的错误。随着深入自己生前的记忆,他有所发现,并且觉得这可以帮助鬼魂…
- 圣诞节就要到了,Mike的妈妈Betty决定留在庄园。尽管她只是想提供帮助,但Mike和Alison很快就对她的各种干涉失去了耐心。二人没法轻易开口让她回家,只能和鬼魂们继续苦苦坚持。巴顿庄园比以往任何时候都更热闹。