- When the Kingdom of Hungary's army was annihilated by the Mongols at the battle of Mohi, only the castle of Esztergom stood in their way to invade Europe. Batu, the grandson of Genghis Khan, reaches the walls of Esztergom with his invincible army. The castle's defenders led by Eusebius, the canon of Esztergom, and a Sp…
- 警察吕道维克结识了某警署上司的遗孀,双方一见钟情。所长日尔贝同时千方百计想赢得上司夫人的欢心。因此吕道维克可与他的上司在事业和爱情上成为竞争对手。年度职称考试中,由于计算机故障,误升吕道维克为正所长。职位的变化引起心态的变化,笑话因误会而产生……