搜索 Geny

  • Pinhas & his mother are new immigrants from Russia His mother barely makes a living working night shifts, she devotes her spare time to the affair she has with a married man. On the third floor lives a religious family, Pinhas is drawn to the warmth and unity that characterize this family there he meets a girl his age,…
  • 在1940年代后期,俄罗斯研究人员使用一种实验性的基于气体的兴奋剂使四名测试患者保持清醒30天。研究人员与世隔绝,要求对这些主题进行一系列测试。从纯粹的科学研究开始,很快就失控了。随着实验的进行,受试者将事情掌握在自己手中,并检验关于生死攸关的真理概念
  • 瓦格纳《帕西法尔》
  • 穆索尔斯基经典歌剧的电影版。歌剧将发生在俄国历史上的两次射击军叛乱合并在一起叙述。彼得大帝登基后,推行西化改革,成立了新式的变容近卫军团。而旧式的射击军对此感到不满,在彼得大帝的姐姐索菲亚公主的支持下,射击军领袖霍凡斯基父子、自由西化派戈利岑公爵和旧仪礼派精神领袖多西非率领三支意见完全相左的队伍,准备联合起来推翻彼得,…
  • An eccentric reel comedy where countless scuffles, pursuit scenes, murders, and suicides interweave with the Soviet peace symbol - Pioneers releasing white doves into the sky. A contraposition saturated with avant garde art, represented in aesthetics of Silent Cinematography. In the end, a sad old woman observes all of…
  • 在西伯利亚的原始森林里,有一个叫叶兰的小村庄。村里的富户所罗门家族和穷人乌斯丘宁家是世仇。1917年,风起云涌的革命从广大的城市波及到这密林深处的小村落。面对这场天翻地覆的革命,在西伯利亚这块土地上到底会发生什么?这两个家庭又将面临什么样的命运?         第32届戛纳国际电影节   评委会特别大奖, 安德里·康查罗夫斯基
  • Oy Vey My Son is Gay is a new romantic comedy featuring a Jewish family who struggles coming to terms with their sons non-Jewish and gay boyfriend, and the other families difficulty accepting their own son, both families hide it, but in the end when the couple adopts a child and it makes headline news, they come to def…
  • 叶莲娜·米哈伊洛夫娜住在省城,靠着微薄的退休金生活。很意外地,她拿出了关于自己的死亡诊断书,按照诊断结论,她随时都有可能离开这个世界。为了不惊扰自己最爱的、在大城市当企业培训师且整日忙碌的儿子,并将他从潜在的忧虑中解脱出来,叶莲娜·米哈伊洛夫娜决定亲自处理这件事,她开始积极、忙碌地操办自己的葬礼……充满象征意味的鲤鱼并…
  • 剧情片冒险