搜索 Gillet

  • It will follow two women, young and beautiful, who form a strong friendship. Marie de Rohan (Kelly Depault), Duchess of Chevreuse, is lively and cheerful, free in body and mind, she collects adventures. Anne of Austria (Stephanie Gil) is the Queen of France. A prudish and shy woman who, married too young and abandoned …
  • 欧美剧剧情
    Desperate to get her family attention, an overworked mother, lie to them about her condition.
  • 美国西部某地,正在举行一场隆重的赛马比赛。米奇(沃特·迪斯尼 Walt Disney 配音)与他的赛马搭档“闪电”即将走入场地,米妮(Marcellite Garner 配音)奉上热情的鼓励和浓浓的爱意,而他的金主也将全部赌注压在了“闪电”的身上。可是,就在这个万分关键的时刻,“闪电”却耍起了大牌,任凭米奇怎样催促和央求,这位大明星就是不理不睬,悠…
  • Masklin is a four inches high Gnome whom along with his family lives in the wilderness of the outside world and struggles for survival. Masklin and his family embark on a adventure when Masklin and his family stowaway on-board a truck, the truck transports them to a superstore -- Arnold Bros. (Est. 1905) where Masklin …
  • This documentary, made for PBS' American Masters series, explores the life and career of the renowned screenwriter and director Preston Sturges (1898-1959), whose few but very influential films managed to change the entire film industry. The documentary features clips from his films, and interviews with those who knew …
  • 晴朗的日子里,米奇(沃尔特·迪斯尼 Walt Disney 配音)头戴礼帽、手持文明杖,哼着欢快的曲调来到了米妮(玛西丽特·加纳 Marcellite Garner 配音)的家中。房间里已经聚满了无数的小动物,他们都是米奇和米妮的好朋友,今天正等在房间内为米奇庆祝生日。听到敲门声,米妮命令大家藏起来。打开门后,米奇和米妮相互问候,突然所有的小动物都跳…
  • 在一座中世纪的城堡内,大臣正举杯向国王祝福。今天,国王的女儿米妮公主(玛西丽特•加纳 Marcellite Garner 配音)即将嫁给邻国的普尔帕多王子(品托•考维格 Pinto Colvig 配音)王子。米妮举止优雅,体态端庄,而对方却是个形容猥琐、丑陋恶心的家伙。米妮自然不同意这桩婚姻,她当众掌掴王子,令她的父王大为光火,遂下令将米妮关入牢房。…
  • 恐怖片悬疑
    爱丽丝(Adrienne King 饰)从为了给儿子复仇而大开杀戒的水晶湖营地厨师霍夫人手中死里逃生,但此后仍旧生活在惊恐中,霍夫人因为营地方面疏于照看导致儿子杰森溺死的怨念一直纠缠着爱丽丝。不久爱丽丝还是遇害了……五年之后,昔日的水晶湖地区已经被称为血腥之地并严禁外人进入,一群青年汇聚附近,在保罗(John Furey 饰)和助手金妮(A…