搜索 Glucksmann

  • 这部纪录片是关于被谋杀的俄罗斯前特工亚历山大·利特维年科,片中利特维年科的遗孀玛娅娜接受了长时间的采访,影片暗示,俄政府应该为利特维年科的死负责,而不应该把责任归到恐怖分子身上。   利特维年科的观点,也就是这部影片导演想表达的中心意思,就是俄罗斯的联邦安全局FSB只是克格勃的变身而已,FSB参与金融丑闻和政治谋杀的所作所为…
  • Jerusalem the summer of 1976. The lives of Noa, a 12-year-old girl and her friends change when the mother of Danny, a neighbor, is a passenger on the plane hijacked to Entebbe. Noa’s plan is to kidnap an innocent Arab boy as a negotiating card for the release of Danny’s mother. Once done, her plan becomes increasingly …