- In 2018, the Nicaraguan police brutally repressed anti-government protests organised by high school students. K., a 17-year-old girl who was arrested, recounts the horrors of her time in jail. This is the story of K., a 17-year-old girl in Nicaragua who was arrested in 2018. In solidarity with senior citizens, whose pr…
- 影片讲述了一个欢乐又温暖的故事。为了完成爷爷安德烈的遗愿,嘻哈搭档蜜熊维沃(林-曼努尔·米兰达 配音)与酷女孩加比(伊奈拉利·西莫 配音)化身“爱的信使”踏上了一段奇妙冒险旅途。然而,一路上囧况不断,欢乐与惊险并存,他们能完成任务吗?
- 亚马逊将推出一代球王马拉多纳的传记剧集《马拉多纳:庇佑之梦》(Maradona:BlessedDream,暂译),近日选出了饰马拉多纳的演员们:NicolasGoldschmidt(《弄虚作假》)、NazarenoCasero(《布宜诺斯艾利斯1977》)、JuanPalomino(《氪星石》),依次饰演他的青年、壮年、中老年“黑暗”时期,聚焦其青涩岁月、俱乐部生涯、作为阿根廷足球队队长征战的…