搜索 Golchin

  • 伊朗电影杰作《风之棋局》(1976)今年完成修复并参与多个电影节,此前其实很少人看过!这部片在1976年曾入选德黑兰国际电影节并举行试映会,可惜放映被恶意妨碍——放映机发生故障,菲林亦遭到破坏,后来电影节评委将视频从竞赛中撤出。在没有发行商愿意投资的情况下,制片人再没将视频送到任何电影节或举办任何公开放映(据说著名影人Henr…
  • 喜剧片犯罪
  • A black comedy centered on the real events of the kidnapping that became a viral phenomenon with millions of live followers. Inspired by actual events occurred in Uppsala during Christmas 2011. In a desperate attempt to solve his economic problems Josef Esfarander, a medical student, plans to kidnap a law student from …