搜索 Goncalves

  • The life of Brazilian soccer player, Garrincha, considered to be one of the greatest players of all time, with his uniquely original style. He had arched legs, a passion for women and booze. Also had a much talked extramarital affair with singer Elza Soares and died in relative decadence. The movie focuses on his zenit…
  • 少年巴特偶然发现了濒临绝种的蒙古野马,并与其中的头马冰羽灵产生了友情。英国威尔士自然保护区教授詹姆斯闻讯后偕同助手彼德、孙女吉蒂来到内蒙送马,在巴特父亲基利(牧场主)陪同下,他们选中了冰羽灵,并把冰羽灵带回英国驯养。巴特眼看和自己朝夕相处的冰羽灵离去,热泪盈眶......
  • La protagonista es una alemana de padre chileno que viene por primera vez para traer las cenizas de su padre y arrojarlas en la caleta y pueblo de Horcón. Ella sirve de testigo del pasado y de lo que ocurre en el tiempo de su viaje. En cie…
  • 87年嘎纳金棕榈提名。80年代巴西最佳社会写实题材故事片之一。The young Vinicius is a young saxophone player, from Rio's poor suburbs, facing an uncertain but perhaps promising future. One day his girlfriend suddenly disappears after a night of love under t…
  • 旺达(Vanda Duarte 饰)是一个常年迷失在毒品所带来的慰藉之中的女人,她和母亲,姐姐泽塔(Zita Duarte 饰),以及泽塔的儿子生活在一起。因为吸毒,旺达一家人的生活可谓是穷困潦倒,而家庭成员唯一的赚钱方式,就是去倒卖蔬菜。但倒卖蔬菜所赚得那一点点钱,也会立刻被旺达和泽塔拿去买毒品。姐妹两人常常因为毒品而吵得不可开交,而他们周…
  • 巴西影史上最“著名”的GAY片,据说是西班牙电影大师阿尔莫多瓦最爱的影片之一,阿氏的首部影片《烈女传》也深受其风格的影响。
  • 在里约热内卢的机场,一名葡萄牙乘务员带走了维罗尼卡两个月大的孩子。两年来,维罗尼卡一直没有停止过对女儿的找寻,但情况却一直没什么进展。失望的她在里斯本住下来,一有空便去机场,指望能找到当初带走女儿的那个女人。一日,维罗尼卡阴差阳错地卷入一桩银行劫案中,很快警方便盯上了与劫匪同行的她。身陷警察和劫匪之间,维罗尼卡要如何继…
  • 四位大师级导演合拍片,关于葡萄牙北部文化重镇吉马良斯的四个故事。佩德罗·科斯塔《甜蜜的招魂术》,曼努埃尔·德·奥里维拉《大都市的征服者》维克托·艾里斯《玻璃游戏》,阿基·考里斯马基《吉马良斯》
  • Salvador, Bahia - Brazil, alive with the charm of the 1950s, A gang of street kids known as "Capitães da Areia" (Captains of the Sands) are hunted like common criminals. As we draw closer, we see that they are just children, almo…
  • Transposition of the myth of Faust to modern Brazil. The heir to a bankrupt cigarette factory, amidst a personal crisis, leaves everything behind and heads for a supposed paradise he has seen in a tourist agency, where he believes he could find self-knowledge. In his search, he is inspired by a Mephisto-like character.