- 2013年,瑞士的原子核研究机构“CERN”——在希格斯玻色子这一发现的暗影之下,某个秘密计划启动了。这一计划的名称是“Niantic计划”。其目的是研究干涉人类精神的未知物质。被称为“奇异物质(XM)”的这种物质,自古以来就感应着人们的精神及能力,甚至给人类的历史带来了极大的影响。世界各国的机关暗中进行着这项研究。XM被视为人类的希望…
- "A Cambodian Spring" is an intimate and unique portrait of three people caught up in the chaotic and often violent development that is shaping modern-day Cambodia. Shot over six years, the film charts the growing wave of land-rights protests that led to the 'Cambodian spring' and the tragic events that follow…