- 美國滑板界的邪典箇中翹楚——陶德.法爾康,將自己 34 年的滑板歲月濃縮成一部個人自傳體;毫不顧忌主流目光,不被既定的文化框架束縛,以大量的迷幻式獨白雜揉紀錄片、實境秀、喜劇、恐怖片及音樂錄像的形式,以及近乎著魔的執念去實踐六千招奇異的滑板技巧,與天馬行空的發明家精神。本片真實具現 1980、90 年代美國郊區文化成長下的青少年,…
- An aging safe-cracker recently released from prison is asked to put his old skills to use and risk his freedom to save his son's life.
- After ten years of collecting and compiling GZA is eventually ready to preview his previously announced Wu-Tang Revealed-documentary. As the trailer indicates, we get an in-depth behind-the-scenes taste of the Wu-Tang-Clan while on tour. Check it out above.