搜索 Grill

  • <p>  居住在新泽西的黑帮杀手“鬼狗”(Forest Whitaker弗雷斯特•惠特克 饰)身为非裔,却浸淫在日本武士道的精神世界里,“忠义”为其平生最高信条。他深居简出,不苟言笑,日常与老大靠飞鸽传书联系。鬼狗视老大路易(John Tormey 饰)如亲生父亲,接到命令后决不手软,手起刀落,血浆四溅。<br/>  孤独的他也有可…
  •   劳米·拉佩斯将主演心理剧情新片《我的天使》(Angel of Mine),金·法兰特(《陌生之地》)执导,卢克·戴维斯(《雄狮》)和大卫·里格(泽克和路德)编写剧本。基于2008年法国电影《天使的印记》,围绕一位母亲莉兹展开,几年前她失去了女儿,仍在应对悲剧带来的疼痛,她开始确信一位陌生人的女儿就是她的骨肉。随着她对这一理论的痴迷度日益增…
  • 这部由Jason Jones及Samantha Bee主创的TBS新喜剧《The Detour》,根据他们二自己与家人的经历改篇,讲述一对父母带着两个孩子,驾车去佛罗里达。Jason Jones自己饰演一个行为会得罪别人的老爸Nate,与妻子Robin(Natalie Zea饰演),带着性格反叛的女儿Delilah(Ashley Gerasimovich饰演)及像笨蛋的儿子Jared(Lia…
  • <p>  在一个名为瑞弗顿的小镇,曾出现过令人闻风丧胆的开膛手。他的真实身份是一个名叫亚伯尔·普林科夫(Raúl Esparza 饰)的普通男子,开膛手似乎是他一个隐藏的人格,又像是潜藏在他体内的罪恶的幽灵。某晚,亚伯尔失心发狂,杀害了待产的妻子。他则被赶来的警察射上,却在回警局的路上引发事故,从此下落不明。与此同时,小镇医院…
  •   In this futuristic science fiction thriller, government security agent Jerry Hipple has been unsuccessfully tracking the city's most infamous criminal The Red Harvest Killer. When two nomadic lovers, Katia and Gladys enter the city the d…
  • The presidents of two superpowers, the Soviet Union and the United States, are expected to meet for important negotiations. However, the meeting in jeopardy due to raging of the Russian Mafia, settled in America. Mafioso Rabinovich even interfere with the conversation of top secret hotline between the presidents. So be…
  • 喜剧片喜剧
  • TheGreatThaw
    The Great Thaw is a project about permafrost thaw and how landscape is changed by it. We take a close look at ecosystems like the boreal forest, the tundra and the arctic coastline to document the impacts of the melting permafrost caused by climate change and to present the beauty of permafrost itself. After Antarctic …
  • 动漫动画
  • One Cold Winter's Night was recorded on February 11th, 2006 at the historic Rockefeller Musichall in Oslo, Norway. Kamelot enlisted renowned film and video director Patric Ullaeus to chronicle the night's events. Arriving with him from Gothenberg, Sweden, Patric had a large crew of professionals and equipment including…